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Index librorum prohibitum


Index Librorum Prohibitorum from 1564 published in Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, public domain. The first official Roman Index of banned books was published in 1559 under Pope Paul IV.It contained approximately 550 religiously, morally and politically controversial authors, as well as individual works. (The "Index librorum prohibitorum", as an integrant part of the prohibition of books, has already been dealt with in the article C ENSORSHIP OF B OOKS .) A book was prohibited or put on the Index by decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Roman Inquisition, Index Librorum Prohibitorum . List of Prohibited Books by the Catholic Church . The Index included a number of authors whose works are widely read today in most leading universities. They are now considered as the foundations of science, e.g. Kepler and Galileo's works. Charles Darwin's works were never put on the Index - go figure? According to Wikipedia’s list of authors and works listed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, more than a century after it was banned, a censored version of Galileo’s book was permitted in 1741, and almost another century passed until the entire book was finally removed from the Index — in 1835. It gives us great pleasure to announce that the Vatican has revived the Index Librorum Prohibitorum of publications deemed heretical, or contrary to morality. The Index was abolished by Pope Paul VI in 1966, after the Vatican II Council decided that heresy and immorality were henceforth perfectly good "alternative lifestyles". It is slightly yndex librorum prohibitum, index lybrorum prohibitum, index librorum prohybitum, index librorum prohibytum, yndex lybrorum prohibitum, yndex librorum prohybitum

O Index Librorum Prohibitorum, em tradução livre o Índice dos Livros Proibidos era uma lista de publicações consideradas heréticas, anticlericais ou lascivas e proibidas pela Igreja Católica. [1] A primeira versão do Index foi promulgada pelo Papa Paulo IV em 1559 e uma versão revista desse foi autorizada pelo Concílio de Trento.

Les Provinciales étant à l'Index depuis 1657, l'édition Vialard fut soumise à la Se questa avvertenza manca per ignoranza o inattenzione tanto in se quanto du 28 août 1879, ACDF, Saint-Office, Censurae librorum 1879-1886, I, n° 3, f. Index Librorum ProhibitorumAlexandri VII. Index Librorum ProhibitorumInnoc. XI. Parisio, Flaminio: De confidentia beneficiali prohibita tractatus in quo plene   slovem vznikl již na prahu křesťanství (nejstarší prohibita vyhlásil nicejský koncil roku 325). O tento Index se opíral navazující seznam zakázaných knih, který byl Titulní strana tohoto vydání poprvé zveřejnila označení Index librorum  

Index Librorum Prohibit or Um-1948 difficillimas in se complectens, cuilibet sacerdoti confessiones poenitentium audienti scitu perutilis et necessaria.

Index Librorum Prohibitorum (禁書目録 (インデックス) Kinsho Mokuroku (Indekkusu), lit. "Index of Prohibited Books") is the eponymous character of Toaru Majutsu no Index. Commonly known as Index, she is the main female character of the Magic Side; in Toaru Majutsu no Index series. A complete list of the authors and writings present in the subsequent editions of the index are listed in J. Martinez de Bujanda, Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 1600–1966, Geneva, 2002. The Index includes entries for single or multiple works by an author, all works by an author in a given genre or dealing with a given topic.

with issuing from time to time an index of forbidden books (Index librorum PIUS XII, Index librorum prohibitum, Vatican City, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1948.

INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM, the title of the official list of those books which on doctrinal or moral grounds the Roman Catholic Church authoritatively  The Index librorum prohibitorum ("List of Prohibited Books") was a list of publications deemed heretical or contrary to morality by the Sacred Congregation of the Index (a former Dicastery of the Roman Curia), and Catholics were forbidden to read them without permission. Index Librorum Prohibitorum, (Latin: “Index of Forbidden Books”), list of books once forbidden by Roman Catholic church authority as dangerous to the faith or morals of Roman Catholics. Publication of the list ceased in 1966, and it was relegated to the status of a historic document. Index Librorum Prohibitorum (禁書目録 (インデックス) Kinsho Mokuroku (Indekkusu), lit. "Index of Prohibited Books") is the eponymous character of Toaru Majutsu no Index. Commonly known as Index, she is the main female character of the Magic Side; in Toaru Majutsu no Index series.

Index Librorum Prohibitorum (禁書目録 (インデックス) Kinsho Mokuroku (Indekkusu), lit. "Index of Prohibited Books") is the eponymous character of Toaru Majutsu no Index. Commonly known as Index, she is the main female character of the Magic Side; in Toaru Majutsu no Index series.

This is a selected list of authors and works listed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. The Index was discontinued on June 14, 1966 by Pope Paul VI. A complete 

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