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Option indexes not allowed here


Commas are allowed between options, to create a list of options. Limit is a separate directive and should not be part of the list of options. I don't know how to put it any clearer than that. – Jenny D says Reinstate Monica Oct 4 '13 at 12:58 Find answers to apache warning /.htaccess indexes options not allowed here from the expert community at Experts Exchange apache warning "/.htaccess indexes options not allowed here" Solutions | Experts Exchange Options -Indexes After a quick research, it seemed to me that this issue has to do with Apache’s virtual host configuration. Apache .htaccess error: 'not allowed here' on Debian Wheezy. 1. NginX reverse proxy with iRedMail Apache2. 1. Options +/- interaction with All, which is default in 2.2 but not default in 2.4 The reason Option MultiViews not allowed here is because changing configuration settings via .htaccess files is disabled for security reasons by default.

.htaccess files; What they are/How to use them; When (not) to use .htaccess files; How CGI execution is not permitted, as only Options Includes is in effect, which] /var/www/html/.htaccess: DirectoryIndex not allowed here.

.htaccess files; What they are/How to use them; When (not) to use .htaccess files; How CGI execution is not permitted, as only Options Includes is in effect, which] /var/www/html/.htaccess: DirectoryIndex not allowed here. 6 Dec 2013 The reason Option MultiViews not allowed here is because changing < Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews  29 Dec 2015 AllowOverride not allowed here AllowOverride All Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks IncludesNOEXEC Indexes  It was this ‍♂️ Much appreciated help here! My hosting provider does not allow any Options in the .htaccess file. Options -Indexes

serait le .htaccess qui bloque mais quoi faire? contenu du log d'apache2 : / home/user/www/drupal-6.9/.htaccess: Options not allowed here.

The path and .htaccess: RewriteEngine not allowed here. That's it. – user317005 Aug 9 '11 at 11:42 @lazyone, thanks, I'll give it a try. – user317005 Aug 9 '11 at 11:42 Virtualmin doesn't work (500 ERROR) with FollowSymLinks which is in the .htaccess. Well, Virtualmin configures Apache not to allow that, as allowing it enables users on your system to be able to read any files in /home. If you get an Internal Server Error screen shown on your browser (or 500 error page) and you have the message “htaccess: Option MultiViews not allowed here” in your  Apache  error.log (ususally found at /var/log/apache2/error.log), you will need to enable support for it via the virtual host config file. .htaccess: Options not allowed here - php running via fastcgi By ckee on 4 Dec 2006 at 02:50 UTC I have a 4.7.4 installation running on Dreamhost, but trying to install on another ISP today I'm getting "Options not allowed here" from the default .htaccess file.

13 Apr 2015 First in your apache virtualhost configuration you need to change allow overides. # Options Indexes Options - 

13 Apr 2015 First in your apache virtualhost configuration you need to change allow overides. # Options Indexes Options -  31 Aug 2011 You do not need to enable Server-Side Includes for HTML files via .htaccess . Option Includes not allowed here "Options Indexes" still enables directory browsing, but also breaks Server-Side Includes in HTML files. serait le .htaccess qui bloque mais quoi faire? contenu du log d'apache2 : / home/user/www/drupal-6.9/.htaccess: Options not allowed here. Options not allowed here I have found Options -Indexes in 18 .htaccess files and replaced them all Hi, If you are getting a "Server 500" error and your log files 

not allowed here is usually caused by trying to set directives in .htaccess file that can only be defined in httpd.conf. First try. AllowOverride All In your ower most tag to your www folder. Now your .htaccess can work in its full capacity. If this solves the problem, then you can start focusing on security and decrease the number of allowed directives one-by-one.

For me the offending file is http-userdir.conf which applies rules for ~user requests and contains the line AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes and  .htaccess: Options not allowed here error indicates that the htaccess file is not allowed to use the Options directive to change the settings. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride Options Order allow 

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